意图al, Meaningful 经验s

Put your education to work! 实习可以让学生将课堂上学到的学术理论与实际应用和职业发展结合起来.


寻找有关贵公司举办实习项目的信息? Learn about the 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 internship pipeline and best practices.

Two students talk and laugh while working on their laptops.


探索 internship experiences

Not all internship experiences are the same. What kind of experience are you seeking?

Types of 实习 


Find an internship that's right for you

无论是为梦想中的公司工作,还是亲身参与非营利组织的工作, find a variety of internships in 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s network.

探索 Opportunities 


应用 for and secure your internship

申请和面试流程因实习而异.​​​​​​ Learn more directly from your future employer.

Application Strategies  


Enroll for academic credit



Begin 招生


探索 Internship 经验s

实习 come in all shapes and sizes, 几乎所有你能想到的行业和组织都有实习机会.

考虑一下你需要什么样的经验:是在一个小团队中亲自动手吗? A taste of the hustle of corporate life? Learning another language while you’re at it? These opportunities—and more!—await Tigers who seek them.

安排与顾问的约会或查看资源 握手.

实习 by Industry


  • 体验与你的兴趣相关的特定行业的日常生活
  • Understand more about career paths in a specific industry
  • Make industry connections with your employer
  • Network with others in a specific industry

实习 by Role

Consider exploring internships by role if you want to:

  • 经验 an industry outside of your major or minor
  • 更多地了解特定工作类型或头衔的职业发展道路
  • Make connections with mentors who support your role
  • Network with others in various industries

Graduate 实习

赌博娱乐平台网址大全的研究生课程将实习作为每门课程的一部分. Learn more on your department’s web page.



Health Care Administration


Find an Internship That's Right for You

赌博娱乐平台网址大全-sponsored Internship Programs

Arts, Letters, and Enterprise

Arts, Letters, an Enterprise (A.L.E.) connects humanities, social science, 以及圣安东尼奥社区和全国各地非营利组织的STEM学生.

A.L.E. 实习

MAS Alvarez Internship Grants


MAS 实习

Departmental 实习

Many academic faculty have connections with businesses, organizations, and nonprofits in the local community. 在一些院系,实习可以融入到课程作业或独立学习中. 访问学术部门“学生机会”页面了解更多信息.

Academic Departments

Community 实习

握手, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s job and internship database, 为赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生提供了无数的机会. 用它来申请,安排面试和约会,以及对活动的回复.

探索 握手

Online Resources

搜索 Engines

就业 Trend Guides


应用 for and Secure Your Internship

Get ready to dive in—hands, head, and feet first! 

一旦你选择了你感兴趣的实习机会, begin the application process with your future program.


  • Each program, organization, and employer will have their own application process, so be sure to pay attention to the details.
  • Reach out directly 如果你对这个职位有疑问,可以向项目负责人或招聘负责人咨询.
  • Check with a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 career adviser他们通常掌握申请流程和雇主偏好的内部信息.
  • Successful applications may require a resume, an interview, or other screening processes. 如果你需要帮助润色你的简历或磨练你的面试技巧,一定要联系CELCS!
  • 如果您不打算在步骤4中注册学分,请提交 Internship Reporting Form
参加ALE 2020暑期实习的六名三位一体学生

Internship Spotlight:

Arts, Letters, and Enterprise

当非营利组织在COVID-19传播期间遭受重创时, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全的一些ALE实习生通过帮助他们进入数字领域,增加了公司产品的范围.



Enroll for Academic Credit

赌博娱乐平台网址大全允许学生通过实习获得最多6个学分,以补充他们的学术课程. 实习将是一个有组织和有监督的专业工作经验,为一个公认的雇主服务.

Enrolling for academic credit is 可选. 如果你有问题或想了解更多,请咨询你的学术顾问.


Each credit hour requires forty hours of work on site. 在秋季和春季学期,一个三学分的课程被分解成每周10-12小时的工作.

就职业探索而言,设定你希望从实习中获得的目标, effective workplace habits, 以及发展行业特定技能和一般市场技能,如沟通和团队合作.

反思是将简单的经验转化为学习经验的要素. 为了发现和内化知识,学生必须处理他们正在做的事情, how that is working out, and what they will do next time. 反射 may take place in writing or in conversation.

学生和导师将在学期中期和期末完成对学生的绩效评估. 他们会就评估结果进行对话,这样学生就能了解自己的长处和不足之处.


1. 搜索 for and secure an internship.

2. Contact your academic adviser to discuss which course you should register for and for how many hours (students can register for up to 6 credit hours; however, most students register for 1 - 3). 每个学分需要40小时的现场工作(这也包括虚拟/远程工作).

3. 完成 Internship Course 招生 Form.  You need to know the following information:

  • Internship course subject and number. E.g. BUSN 3X97 -“X”是您正在寻求的学分数. 
  • Who will be your course instructor? Talk to your academic advisor to help you identify a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 internship instructor of record.
  • Your internship supervisor contact information.

4. Advise your internship instructor and your department chair that you have completed a registration form. 他们将通过电子邮件收到一份课程批准表,需要填写该表格,以便注册办公室处理注册.



  • 记住...

    Credit for internships must be approved in advance.

    在实习开始前4-6周开始注册. 实习报名截止日期为增删期结束时.

    All for-credit internships must be accompanied by a Learning Agreement you should submit as part of the registration process.