
Students augment their communication studies with a strong, interdisciplinary liberal arts and sciences background, and they have ample opportunities to earn credit doing hands-on work in media outlets on and off-campus.


大三的时候, students in communication are considered for department scholarships in public relations, 新闻, 以及视觉交流. We also regularly distribute calls for outside scholarship opportunities through our department 谷歌 Group.


Find out more scholarship and financial aid information through the Office of 学生财务服务



Students who reach the spring of their junior year with a department and overall University GPA of 3.75 are invited to participate in a year-long honors thesis project in communication. Overseen by multiple department faculty, 原创性研究的结果, 专业, 或者创意项目. 在过去的几年里, honors theses have been published in multiple outlets and used by students for graduate, 法律, 以及电影学院的申请.


Learn more about pursuing honors in Communication in 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's 修读课程简报.


Communication students are amazing scholars. Many have received summer Undergraduate 研究 in the Arts & Humanities 研究 Fellowships, working with department faculty on original research projects. Projects examine issues such as computational propaganda, free speech and 圣安东尼奥 Mayor Maury Maverick, and female agency in comic books as well as alternate reality recreations of Texas immigration centers, video game simulations of Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance, 还有一本女权主义漫画书, 光明之屋. 的se projects have resulted in published academic articles, websites, and books.


Undergraduate research is central to 圣赌博平台网站大全's values. 的 体验式学习办公室 provides a place for students to gain information about internships, community service and service-learning opportunities, beyond the classroom course projects, and undergraduate research opportunities.


Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of the liberal arts ideals and a sign of the initiative and breadth often looked for by employers.


留学办公室 can help you find an opportunity based on your interests and/or studies. 



Communication students find numerous internship and summer job opportunities locally, 在全国范围内, and inter在全国范围内 at newspapers and magazines, 广播电台, 公共关系小组, 广告公司, 政府机构, 和公司. Some media companies where students have held internships or summer jobs include: 

  • 谷歌
  • ESPN
  • 脸谱网
  • 国家地理
  • 大联盟总部
  • 圣安东尼奥快报
  • 《赌博平台网站大全》
  • USAA保险公司
  • 圣安东尼奥马刺队
  • 麦克内艺术博物馆
  • 真正的简单的
  • HGTV

赌博娱乐平台网址大全使用 握手系统 to share all job and internship opportunities with students.



Sid W. 理查森通讯中心 houses the Department of Communication as well as student-run media operations. Cutting edge media facilities include high definition, digital radio and television stations as well as state-of-of-the-art work stations for digital design, 新闻, 和游戏.​​​​​​ We also have podcasting, VR, AR, animation, and illustration design facilities.

Broadcasts on campus and around the world via its web-based Vimeo channel. TigerTV produces four shows each semester: 新闻wave, a traditional news program; Studio 21, a pop culture review; End Zone, a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 sports round-up; and 的 Not So Late Show, a late-night interview program that airs at 6 p.m. (not-so-late).

KRTU-FM 97.1
高清晰度KRTU-FM 91.7 broadcasts from campus and plays primarily jazz 17 hours a day and indie rock music overnight. It has built a reputation as one of the finest jazz radio stations in the country.



An annual tradition of the Department of Communication, 沟通的一天 brings alumni back to campus to talk about their lives after 赌博娱乐平台网址大全. 的 day begins with a luncheon and keynote address by a well-known alumni and ends with a networking reception that connects current students with alumni, 社区合作伙伴, 实习协调员, 以及当地雇主.

玛莎,大卫 & Bagby Lennox Foundation funds yearly seminars on important contemporary topics. Recent 伦诺克斯研讨会 in Communication have been held on the topics of Women and Technology, Propaganda and Political Persuasion, 集体智慧, 和对权力说真话.

的 史蒂文艺术浓缩系列 brings well-known communication experts to campus to talk with students and hold public lectures. Past Stieren speakers have included photographer Dulce Pinzon, author and former New York Times Magazine ethicist Chuck Klosterman, graphic designer and brand strategist Debbie Millman, and Dear White People filmmaker Justin Simien.


跟上……的步伐 新闻及活动 对于部门来说.



As a result of their classes and internships, communication students have published work in local, 地区性和全国性媒体. 的y consistently win national research, writing, and production competitions.